5 Load Stability
Good slingers will develop the habit of assessing unusual loads and estimating
the centre of gravity and then attaching the sling in such a manner that the
centre of gravity is below the lifting points, or if this is impossible, well within
them. If there is the slightest doubt of the stability of a load, it should be
slowly lifted just clear of the ground. If the load tilts, the sling should be
refixed in a more stable position.
6. 司索工的自我保護。
6. Slingers Duty of Self Protection
Slingers should wear suitable protective clothing. At the moment when the strain is taken on a sling, the slinger’s hands and feet should be clear of the load and he should then position himself so that he does not risk injury if the load were to fail.
<張家口通運吊裝工程技術(shù)有限公司> GLE-SKIP(D M C)